professional painting services

painters in newcastle nsw

Our website is a great place to start if you are looking for a professional Newcastle house painter. There are many painters that we have to offer, and all of them are highly skilled and knowledgeable.

Painting Services Newcastle

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interior painters

We offer a wide range of services, from painting and decorating to wallpaper installation and more.

interior painters
newcastle commercial painting

newcastle commercial painting

They have the expertise and experience to choose the best paint for each wall surface.


Looking for a reliable house painter? Look no further than the professionals at our company. We have years of experience painting homes of all sizes, and we're always happy to help our clients choose the perfect paint color for their space.

johnstones paint newcastle
johnstones paint newcastle

Our painting company is pleased to welcome you. We pride ourselves on our work as a professional company. We offer a variety of services, including exterior and interior painting. We are proud to have an experienced team of professionals who are passionate about what they do. We work hard to offer the best possible customer service.

residential painters newcastle

We have been in business for over 10 year and are known as one of the top in the business.

residential painters newcastle

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Some factors you may want to consider include the type of paint, the surface material, and the climate.

For instance, if you are using a high-quality latex paint, it is generally recommended that you roll it on rather than spray it. This is because latex paints are designed to be rolled on and they will achieve a smoother finish. If you are using a oil-based paint, however, spraying may be the better option because oil-based paints tend to be thicker and can be difficult to roll on smoothly.

Additionally, if you are painting a rough or porous surface such as brick or stucco, spraying is usually the better option 

This is a difficult question to answer, as there are many factors that can affect the rate a painter charges per hour. Some of these factors include the type of painting being done, the size of the job, the location and more. However, on average, painters in Australia tend to charge around $50-$70 per hour. Hope this helps!

There are a few different factors to consider when estimating the cost of painting a room. The first is the size of the room - obviously, a larger room will take more time and effort to paint than a smaller one. The second is the type of paint you're using - whether it's latex or oil-based, for example. And finally, there are the complexities of the job itself - if you're painting elaborate trimwork or working around tricky fixtures, that will add to the overall cost. 

Generally speaking, most painters will charge by the square foot - so, for example, a 10x10 room would cost $100 to $200 to paint (depending on all of the factors mentioned above)